
Corporate Governance

Compensation Committee

Everest's "Compensation Committee" assists the Board of Directors in establishing policies and structures for director, supervisor, and executive compensation. They regularly assess performance, salaries, bonuses, and remuneration for directors and supervisors, providing recommendations for Board consideration.
Remuneration for Everest's directors, supervisors, and employee bonuses depends on annual business performance and specific allocation percentages defined in the company's articles of incorporation. The Compensation Committee approves the allocation method. Other compensation aligns with company and business unit performance, with standards set by the Board, considering industry benchmarks.
Directors, supervisors, general managers, and deputy general managers from all companies in Everest's consolidated financial statements receive annual remuneration as a percentage of the after-tax net income, distributed from the annual profit allocation.

Committee Members (Date:2021.6.1)

Chuang, Ying-ChihIndependent Director Chen, Jen-FaIndependent Director
Lin, Chun-Yuis independent

The Compensation Committee's Operations Information

 (1)The Compensation Committee of our company consists of 3 members.

 (2)The current committee members serve from Jun. 1, 2021, to May. 3, 2024. During the most recent fiscal year, the Compensation Committee held two meetings, and the qualifications and attendance of committee members are as follows:

NameFrequency of actual attendance(B)
Frequency of proxy attendance
Actual attendance ratio(%)(B/A)
Chuang, Ying-Chih
Independent Director
Lin, Chun-Yu

Chen, Jen-Fa
Independent Director

 (3)If the Board of Directors does not adopt or amend the recommendations of the Compensation Committee, it shall specify the date of the board meeting, term, agenda, board resolution, and the company's handling of the Compensation Committee's opinions: None.

(4)Regarding the decisions made by the Compensation Committee, if there are opposing or reserved opinions from members with records or written statements, it shall specify the date of the Compensation Committee meeting, term, agenda, all members' opinions, and the response to the members' opinions: None.

For the fiscal year 2022, the Compensation Committee of our company had the following agenda and resolutions:

Meeting session
Meeting time
Agenda and subsequent actions Compensation Committee Decisions and Company's Response to the Compensation Committee's Opinions
The 5th term 2nd meeting
Feb. 25, 2022
1.Human Resource Structure and Workforce Trends in 6 Plants Unanimously approved by all attending committee members and submitted to the board. Approved by all attending directors without objection.
2.HR Topics
The 5th term 3rd meeting
Nov. 23, 2022
1.Human Resource Structure and Workforce Trends in 6 Plants Unanimously approved by all attending committee members and submitted to the board. Approved by all attending directors without objection.
2.Salary Adjustment Report for the Year 2022
3.Impact of Minimum Wage Increase
Date Content File Download
2020.11.10 薪資報酬委員會組織規程
2022.12.30 111年董事酬金相關資訊
2022.12.30 111年經理人酬金相關資訊